Free Training Reveals:

  • Proven Steps You Can Take TODAY That Allow You To Harness The Power Of Your Subconscious
  • The 5 Energy Blocks All Female Spiritual Entrepreneurs Can Break Through To STOP Sabotaging Success (And How To Clear All Of Them) 
  • How Powerful Women Use A Simple Energetic Tool To Create A New Timeline -- Steal This & Implement It Today
GET DAILY "intuition hits" & downloads
...and truly start to see what you're doing to yourself by holding yourself back -- both in your biz and your life
own the  true value of your powerful work
... and lovingly stare down your own bullshit so you can finally move forward with your dream
...and break through every. last. fear.  about what is "possible, realistic, and responsible"

Let me guide you into your subconscious & trust your VISIONS LIKE NEVER BEFORE.

Over 12 weeks, I will teach your subconscious how to:

  • Trust yourself: Learn to have irrefutable faith in yourself, your offers, your launches and your visions
  • Share yourself: Your gifts are a contribution to the planet and it's irresponsible NOT to market them.
  • Value yourself: Charge an amount of money for your services and products that allows you to rest, receive, and thrive
  • ​Speak your wisdom: Learn that sharing yourself is literally the only access to changing lives
  • ​Demand a life of pleasure: The most effective way a woman can contribute to humanity is by tuning her energy to her own pleasure
  • Be ​the Creator of your reality: Learn you can heal anything, because anything is possible for you

Trusted by hundreds of women-owned busiensses

Why the Truth Mastery Program is perfect for you:

part ONE

advanced theta brainwave healings
12 weeks of video lectures and Theta Brain Wave visualizations to transform limiting beliefs into personal truths. 

Learn a repeatable formula to clear any limiting belief for life & stay connected to your Truth Vibration.

part TWO

Join at 10am PST on Wednesdays for customized guidance on Zoom. 

Share your progress and challenges. Members find these sessions invaluable for applying subconscious insights to daily life.

part three

This is how you get in touch with me and other members. 

I typically respond to questions within hours, which means you get the answers you need as you go, not all at once like other programs.  

The next cohort starts in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Here's What You'll Find Inside:

Module 1: Foundations

Alchemizing Your Energy

  • ​Learn to muscle test beliefs Identify and release all four levels of beliefs that your subconscious holds in the body
  • ​Detox Emotional Parasites: Release the people, situations, & circumstances that suck you dry & expect too much of you
  • Release Any Doubt & Disbelief Release where you've been demanding proof of The Creator & embrace that YOU are the healer
  • Design A "Do Less" CEO Schedule That Embraces Slow-Paced, Daily Pleasure (BONUS: includes an email script for saying "no" to obligations)
weeks 1 & 2: Foundations


  • ​Learn To Muscle Test Beliefs 
  • ​Detox Emotional Parasites
  • Release Ancestral Doubt & Disbelief 
  • Design Your "Do Less" CEO Schedule 
WEEKS 3 & 4

Your Rebirth

  • ​Release Resentments
  • ​Release Rejection & Regret
  • Release Oaths, Vows, Obligations
  • Forgive Your Parents & Genetic Lineage 
WEEKS 5 & 6

The Sacral Codes

  • ​Speak Sweetly To Yourself
  • ​Forgive Past Partners
  • ​Cultivate Your Pleasure Practice
  • Master Emotion Codes In Your Hormones
WEEKS 7 & 8

Portal Of Dreams

  • ​Learn Your Spiritual Mission & Pure Intent
  • ​Design New Beliefs About Your Offers
  • Release Subconscious Scarcity About Money
  • ​Learn The Art Of Asking For What You Want
WEEKS 9 & 10

The Energetics
Of Being Seen

  • Release Subconscious Beliefs About Speaking Truth (And Being Cancelled For It)
  • ​Stop Hiding & Own Your Reputation
  • Release Limiting Beliefs In Your Marketing
  • Sync Your Energy To 100k Followers
WEEKS 11 & 12

Selling Heals You

  • ​Release Limiting Beliefs About Selling
  • ​Release The Subconscious Burden Of Success
  • Learn To Be Sold Out & Successful
  • ​​Let It Be Easy: Release Lack Mentality
Module 2

Your Rebirth

  • Releasing Resentments: Get real with where grudges and anger have stunted your business, and learn how to clear them
  • Releasing Rejection & Regret: Learn how the "failure" and heartache you've experienced has subconsciously brought you closer to your dreams fulfilled
  • ​Releasing Oaths, Vows, Obligations: Get real with where your obligations to other leaders, people, or modalities have halted your own vision, style, and authority
  • Forgiving Your Parents & Genetic Lineage: Learn how to get free from the subconscious expectations, disappointments, and obligations you may have inherited from your family 
Module 3

The Sacral Codes

  • Speaking Sweetly To Yourself: Reprogram the subconscious with these 3 neurolinguistic invocations that interrupt harsh self-critical thoughts and con you into trusting every aspect of your beauty and power
  • Forgiving Past Partners Release subconscious programs related to: fearing sex, fearing intimacy, being exposed or seen for who you are, being heartbroken, and being in an energetic marriage
  • Cultivate Your Pleasure Practice: Enjoy the medicine of sex magic! Learn to somatically move stuck energy out of the sacral chakra (ovaries, womb, testes, prostate, etc) by re-programming your capacity to receive pleasure.
  • Your Hormones Are ​Liquid Emotions: Learn the root cause of your imbalanced feminine tendencies (like hyper-independence, control issues, a disinterest in sex, a lack of desire/creativity) 
Module 4

Your Portal Of Dreams

  • Your Spiritual Mission & Pure Intent: Learn how to connect with the God-given talent that truly makes you exquisite instead of shrinking your vision and begging for validation
  • ​Your Beliefs About Your Offer: Learn to craft offers from your spiritual mission and stop collecting child-adults as clients (your offer isn't for them)
  • ​Your Beliefs About Money: Dismantle the limiting beliefs and subconscious obligations that keep you poor 
  • ​The Art Of Asking For What You Want: Disappear the negative meaning you make about getting a "no" so you can ask for anything (after all, you deserve it)
Module 5

Break The Internet

How To Hold Your Energy With Online Viral Marketing
  • Your Beliefs About Speaking Truth: When you learn how your marketing is connected to feeling attractive, you will clear the subconscious ways you hide to protect yourself
  • Owning Your Reputation: How to speak Truth in the face of angry comments, clients, and cancel culture
  • Soulful, Aligned Marketing: Instead of letting marketing suck you dry, learn to live in wonder so you can be a hot, wanted, in-demand leader
  • Sync Your Energy To 100k Followers: How to let go of your fear of being seen AND any grudges about social media so you can show up powerfully on camera (many participants go viral and sell out their offers once they clear this block!) 
Module 6

Let Selling Heal You

  • ​Your Beliefs About Selling: Dismantle the subconscious myths and heartaches you have about selling yourself/your work
  • Release The Fear That More Success = More Burden Almost every powerful leader self-sabotages a launch with this one protective subconscious program
  • ​Sold Out & Successful: Pave the way for an abundance of income and impact by clearing all residual "lack mentality" you still carry (from this life or another)
  • ​Let It Be Easy: Releasing Doubt Pinpoint the two places you tend to inherit the burden of doubt and release the subconscious ways you self-sabotage success

Plus, you also get


    BONUS #1: $1500 VALUE

    Unlimited Access To Steph

    • Exchange walkie-talkie style voice messages with Steph during your 90 days in the program
    • ​Implement and execute all you've learned with Stephanie at your fingertips
    BONUS #2: $1K value

    Lifetime Access
    To The Online Portal

    • ​We dissected the subconscious blocks that could make or break your business.
    • ​​Access to the official Truth School portal of 75+ trainings, healings, checklists, cheat sheets & more
    BONUS #3: 10-part training

    Irresistible Offer
    Bonus Bundle

    Refine your best offer:

    • Create A Signature Methodology
    • ​Create Your Own Irresistible Offer
    • ​Trusting Yourself To Charge Your Worth: Learn subconscious programs that keep spiritual entrepreneurs addicted to poverty
    BONUS #4: 12-part training

    Viral Marketing
    Bonus Vault

    Go viral on Instagram & TikTok:

    •  F*ck Sounding Professional: How To Write Interesting Copy
    • How To Build An Instagram Ad Campaign On $5/Day (6 videos)
    • Learn To Make Short Form Video That Goes Viral (6 videos)
    BONUS #5: 7 part training

    Sold Out & Successful Bonus Bundle

    Sell out your offerings:

    • How To Launch In 3 Days
    • ​Steph’s Virtual Assistant Team Teaches How To Delegate and Scale with VAs for $10/day
    • ​PLUS! Steal Steph's high-ticket launch strategy

    - Truth mastery has a 100% retention rate -



    - Ioana Vrabie, Founder of The Beauty Infuser
    "i stopped fighting life."
     "i am so grateful to be waking up"
    - Sarah Parr, Ceramic Artist
    - Lissa WELLES, COACH
     "i had my first $90k launch!"
    - leslie pEARLMAN, founder, good ground yoga
     "i AM FINALLY sharing all my gifts."
    - Juliana Herlaar, PSYCHOTHERAPIST & COACH
     "Creative on a whole new level"

    MEET YOUR coach and guide

    Energy Expert & Founder of Truth Mastery

    MEET YOUR coach and guide

    Stephanie Carlin

    I'm a 4x-certified Theta Brain Wave Expert, certified Detox Practitioner, and transformational coach for elite female entrepreneurs. 

    I'm the host of The Truth Vibration Podcast, and I'm also the front woman of the alt-rock band Fore Fader.

    Since founding Truth School in 2020, I've helped over 300+ spiritual entrepreneurs, artists, and healers use their creative business as the vehicle for their liberation.

    Now, I only work with 8-12 women at a time on the high-level energetics of trusting your intuition at breakthrough levels.

    ready to get started?

    I would be honored to be your partner and your guide.

      •  VIP Access To 19 Powerful Theta Brain Wave Sessions
      •  12 Transformational Group Coaching Calls With Stephanie To Expand Your Energy & Keep You Accountable 
      • ​90 Days Of Access To Our Private Slack Channel
      • ​Unlimited Voice Memos with Steph Exchange walkie-talkie style messages for the duration of the program
      • ​Lifetime Access To The Online Portal with 70+ healings, trainings, and swipe files
      • ​3 Bonus Business Bundles: Irresistible Offer, Viral Videos, Sold Out & Successful

      The next steps...

      Schedule a free application call with Steph to join.

      If you're interested, then let's talk through it together.  

      As long as you've already watched the video at the top of the page, you can book a free 20-minute 1:1 call with me to ask questions about what the program entails and make sure that we are a good fit for each other.

      The next cohort starts in:

      00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


      See what others say about their experience


      "I have been inspired to dream bigger than ever."

       "This program pushed me to be accountable to myself like nothing I've experienced. For many years I have wanted so much to connect to my intuitive side. I hit a wall about a decade ago and have been slowly making my way back to myself. In Truth Mastery I was able to experience some powerful visions in our meditations with Creator, which is a first for me, outside of energy work sessions with healers. These experiences have given me faith in myself. I feel like I'm finally reconnecting to this part of myself that I have been so longing for."

      - Sarah Parr, Ceramic Artist


      "I'm finally out of my own way."

      "Before working with Stephanie I was in limbo. My dream was to blend my healing practice with my art business in a way that felt grounded and of service to my clients and art collectors. 

      I have healed my fear of charging too much, my fear of being overwhelmed by too much expansion in my business, and my fear of social media draining my life force."

      - Hayley Margaret, Founder of Alchemy Of Eden Studio, Healer & Artist


      "I am launching the biggest expansion of my business as of yet."

      "Before Truth Mastery, I was utterly resistant to speaking my truth and sharing my wisdom.

      My favorite energetic shift from the program was growing my capacity and willingness to show up and serve, AKA speaking my truth despite my inner critic's voice.

      I've realized that having firm values and knowing my truth is actually an asset I have and the world is hungry."

      - Johannah Reimer,
      Founder of Wakeful Nature

      More Testimony Praising Truth Mastery:


      "I'm now unafraid to show up on camera (and went viral several times)."

      "I got 1M+ views on Tiktok and booked out my client roster, finally growing my business in alignment with my own spiritual evolution."

      This program gave me peace of mind, knowing that I can have anything I want if I am willing to show up online and speak my truth."

      — Christian Malarcuic, Purpose Coach


      "My whole belief system has shifted. I feel I can do and be anything."

       "My choices were driven mostly by emotional triggers. This program brought me unexpected profound healing which is affecting my whole life & business. I healed deep trust issues & my fear of abandonment. I am done carrying other people's burdens. My boundaries are unshakeable.  I managed to come to a peaceful place like never before and I trust life fully."

      - Ioana Vrabie,
      Founder of The Beauty Infuser


      "This was the medicine I needed to stop seeing myself as incapable, small, & a victim."

      "This program gave me the ability to discern, to stand in my power and awareness of what I can bring to the table, how I can serve…

      Ultimately, it allowed me to step out of victimhood and face the truth: I am a powerful creator who can do anything I put my heart to. That is value you cannot put a price on. The rest is gravy.”

      — Jenee Halstead,
      founder of Inner Song


      Frequently Asked Questions

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